CAN I SELL AMSOIL ON AMAZON? The quick right answer is NO. It is simply against AMSOIL policy to post pricing, and, or sell AMSOIL products on online marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, craigslist, Facebook marketplace, forums, and so on. AMSOIL products are distributed exclusively through a network of Independent AMSOIL Dealers like myself and direct online or by phone. That said, if AMSOIL is to only be distributed and sold by authorized trained personnel through authorized methods, selling via any marketplace like Amazon, Walmart, eBay, craigslist, Facebook marketplace, forums, and so on will VOID THE LIMITED WARRANTY. The SELLER will be liable NOT Amazon, Walmart, eBay, craigslist, Facebook marketplace, forums, and so on AND MOST IMPORTANTLY AMSOIL. The AMSOIL limited warranty is very clear – it’s VOID – if AMSOIL lubricants are not packed by AMSOIL, or by an authorized AMSOIL packager, and sold by AMSOIL or an authorized AMSOIL Independent Dealer. Click here to review the warranty document, bullet# 2 sub-heading “WHAT THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER:” – Will Amsoil Void My Warranty
In summary, in my opinion, although the products are the most superior synthetic lubricants on the market its not worth the potential risk exposure DO NOT sell AMSOIL products on AMAZON ! The solution is rather simple, consider becoming an Independent AMSOIL Dealer.
Cavaet emptor – let the buyer beware but in this case, both the buy and seller must beware!
Next Steps
If you found this post helpful and are not currently an AMSOIL customer or Dealer, and are considering AMSOIL as a consumer or to start your own business, let us know if you have any questions or concerns to help you decide. My son and I tried AMSOIL products in our vehicles and lawn equipment a few years ago, we noticed a remarkable difference in performance, so we became dealers to spread the word. Visit our WEBSITE to learn more about AMSOIL.